Market Volatility…It’s Back

Market Volatility…It’s Back

Will a government shutdown impact the market? Volatility comes with the territory but it’s always good to be prepared and proactive. Now is a good time to see if your risk level is aligned with your long-term goals and how it matches your financial plan.

The Market Conundrum 2.0

The Market Conundrum 2.0

By Ryan Turbyfill, MBA  Financial Advisor It has been a wild start to 2022 with the worst quarter in over 40 years for the bond market as interest rates surged, inflation remains very high and the tragedy in Ukraine. This past Friday the 22nd, the Dow Jones Industrial...
Inflation…It’s Hot!!!

Inflation…It’s Hot!!!

By Lindsey Simek   For past few years, we have lived in a very low inflation environment, and not only have we enjoyed the benefits of low inflation, but we have grown accustomed to it as well.  Then when inflation surged, it was an unwelcome shock to our systems...