Early Christmas Present for PERA Employees 

Early Christmas Present for PERA Employees 

Big news for Colorado PERA employees HR 82, also known as the Social Security Fairness Act, is legislation aimed at repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) entirely. After years of advocacy and bipartisan support, HR 82...
Ensuring Financial Security During Illness

Ensuring Financial Security During Illness

We value the deep trust our clients place in us, especially in the face of challenging circumstances. A poignant example is our work with a valued client who is navigating the complexities of dementia. This situation goes beyond financial management—it’s about...
New Colorado Springs Office Location

New Colorado Springs Office Location

We are excited to be in our new Colorado Springs office. We are still in the same area, just a block west of our old Nevada Ave. location. Please look for us (and stop in to say hi) at our new location: 620 N Tejon St. Suite 101, Colorado Springs. Note: We’re...