Over the years, we have assembled a group of core beliefs which drive our investment management process. These pearls of wisdom are all borrowed from others and can be distilled to easy, understandable common sense ideas.
1) First, do no harm– Borrowed from the famous Hippocratic Oath, this is our first principle. In order to try to help clients enjoy the incredible power of compound interest, we attempt to lower the downside risk in our client’s portfolios.
2) Buy it when it is on sale-Given a choice, we prefer to buy assets when they are cheap by historical standards. This is no different than being a good shopper. A good shopper is alert to opportunities to buy good quality when it is on sale.
3) Pay attention to the seasons of investing– Buying a swimsuit (good quality at a great price as indicated above) will not keep you warm in winter. Similarly, we need to evaluate where we are in the economic cycle in order to decide what assets might be timely to own.
4) Know when to row and when to sail– A corollary of the above is that there are times when markets will carry you (called “Bull Markets”) and you can easily set sail and do well. Stormy seas (“Bear Markets”) require more proactive behavior if you are to stay afloat. Rowing (tactical changes in your portfolio) may be necessary at such times.
5) Humility is always helpful– We live in a challenging and fast paced world, with change occurring at a frightening pace. This is counterbalanced by the axiom that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Therefore, we proceed with caution. We need to always be learners, never content with our current knowledge base.
6) Everyone is unique– The above beliefs drive Our Investment Process. Within that process, however, we must realize that the circumstances of each individual are unique and require an individualized approach.
7) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you– At the end of the day, the Golden Rule is the principle that runs our entire practice. We try at all times to act in good faith and to put our clients’ needs first and ours second. This is a challenge in our business, but we try to earn your faith and confidence on a daily basis.