Market Volatility…It’s Back

Market Volatility…It’s Back

Will a government shutdown impact the market? Volatility comes with the territory but it’s always good to be prepared and proactive. Now is a good time to see if your risk level is aligned with your long-term goals and how it matches your financial plan.

Market Induced Anxiety

Market Induced Anxiety

By Lindsey Simek   Over the last few weeks, we have been hearing buzz about a possible market correction. The terms “downturn” and “pullback” seem to be everywhere and that is causing some uneasiness. We like seeing our portfolios grow, our money working for us,...
Environmental Issues With Bitcoin?

Environmental Issues With Bitcoin?

By Lindsey Simek Financial Advisor It appears we cannot make it through a day without hearing about Bitcoin or cryptocurrency. Its popularity is exploding, and curiosity cannot help but be sparked. Bitcoin is a type of digital currency in which a record of...